Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Lagta nahii hai dil mera with English Translation

Singer: Mohammad Rafi
Poet: Bahadur Shah Zafar

Lagta nahii hai dil mera with English  Translation

Lagtaa nahii hai dil meraa ujRe dayaar mei
What pleasure can the heart know in this derelict city

Kiss kii banii hai aalame-naapaaidaar mein
Who has found fulfillment in this mortal world

Umr-e-daraaz maang ke laaye the chaar din
Having asked for long life, I brought back four days

Do aarzuu mein kat gaye do intezaar mein
Two passed away in yearning and two in waiting

Kah do in hasraton se kahiin aur jaa baein
Tell these desires to go and settle down elsewhere

Itnii jagah kahaan hai dil-e-daaghdaar mein
There is little room in this so tainted heart

Kitnaa hai badnaseeb zafar dafan ke liye
How ill fated is that for Zafar even for his burial

Do gaz zamiin bhii naa milii kue-yaar mein
Was not granted two yards of earth (for his grave) in the land of the beloved


  1. thanks for posting translation "Lagta nahii hai dil mera" one of the famous Bahadur Shah Zafar Gazal/poem

  2. What a pity that a Mighty King who ruled the Country has to lament about not having been given two yards of land for his burial.

    well that is the history of most of the Monarchs in history .
    May his Soul Rest in Peace with Allah the most benevolent and Merciful

    Thanks for the opportunity to read the translation

    Kasturi G

  3. Thank you great translation. Bahadur Shah penned his ghazels during episodes of extreme depression in his exile following lost of his realm. Though history tells us he saved several white families from mutineers - But Empire wanted him out of way.

  4. This is one of the best Gazals to me. I liked it during my student life and still is my fsvourite. Songs and gazals are best liked when we know the meaning of the song.

  5. This is one of the best Gazals to me. I liked it during my student life and still is my fsvourite. Songs and gazals are best liked when we know the meaning of the song.

  6. Thanks for the translation in English.If it is also readable in Hindi,meaning of this excellent Gazal will reach many more people.

  7. zabardast...💜💜

  8. Sad commentry on the life of the last Mughal.

  9. Only a poet can tell us about the eternal misery of life in such a mesmerising language.

  10. Wow Very Nice..............................💜💜

  11. This will rank as the the most ironical and tragic incident where an Emperor is denied small plot of land for his grave
    It is also the most dastardly act of the British in India

  12. One of the finest poetry written by the most unfortunate emperor

  13. Thank you for the translation. The lyrics are so beautiful. Partial understanding would never do justice to these moving words.
    The heart rending words of the poet expresses the pathos so effectively
